Indy Cinejibs offers the industry standard Jimmy Jib Triangle & Jimmy Jib Lite packages with or without an operator.
Call, text or e-mail us anytime for a quote. We love indie films and can work with most any budget. Just reach out!
There is nothing like moving, flying, floating camera shots to raise the production value of your show. We fly cameras ranging in size from GoPros to fully loaded Arris or REDS up to 50lbs for commercials, music videos, films, corporate, medical and live events.
Jimmy Jib Triangle

The Triangle can be built in lengths from 6' to 40' in units of 3 feet. The rig can take up to 50lbs. of camera weight at any length. Max height for camera is 13' to 40'. Yes, we can fly teleprompters too!
Rig and Operator Footprint is max 10' x 10' up to 15' length. 15' x 15' max for 18'-24'. 20' x 20' max for 30'-40'.

Jimmy Jib Lite
The Lite can be built in lengths from 6' to 18' and can take up to 15lbs. of camera weight at any length.
Rig and Operator Footprint is max 10' x 10'

Our operators are all very experienced operators in all forms of media. We are also all vets in the industry so we know sets, schedules and show flow. If you bring us in, we will take care of everything jib and just give you incredible shots!
Jib Operator / Remote Head Operator
Jib Assistant / Camera Utility - required for 27' and up and/or outdoor shoots.
All gear rentals require an experienced operator or jib assist. Rates are local to Indiana and premiums could be added for other locations around the US or world. Travel days will be charged as 1/2 or full days depending on time requirements.
Rental charges for travel days depending on length of time in travel
Jimmy Jib Triangle or Jib Lite 6' - 18'
Jimmy Jib Triangle 21' - 24'
Jimmy Jib Triangle 30' - 40'
Cameras - We can get about any model of camera and lens if needed. Just ask and we will quote.
Indy Cinejibs
"You're cleared for take-off"
Call, Text or Email for availablity and booking